These small square pieces of colorful cloth are very useful in camp. I could probably come up with 100 uses for bandanas if I really tried. Instead here are just some uses...
- cool down by getting wet and putting under hat
- cover mouth and nose when dusty
- wash cloth
- dish rag
- headband
- napkin
- first aid bandage
- tourniquet
- sling
- tie a splint
- hankie
- pillow cover
- stay cool – wet and tie around your neck loosely
- clean glasses, camera lens, etc
- wipe away sweet
- blindfold
- shoo away bugs
- wrap a gift
- protect head from sun
- fan
- mark a trail
- signal flag
- water filter
- open stuck jar
- sit on it
It should be noted to be careful as in many large cities bandanas can be used to display gang symbols, and other undesirable things.
I would like to hear your own ideas to add to this list, please post them below.