Hi all,
Fuzzy here, we just got back from our summer camp. We are very tired after what has been a great week, but everything is a big mess. Tents needed to be dried and cleaned, equipment needed to be put away. We did not think it was fair that the leaders had to do everything so Scout and I offered to help. But for some odd reason we were told to go outside and play........
We did all kind of great things at camp, we did rock climbing, kayaking, salmon fishing (my favourite) and of course singing at a camp fire..... (I still don’t know why the neighbours asked if Scout and I could stop singing, we sing quite well I think) But the greatest thing was just being outdoors, us being city bears we don’t get out into the woods enough we think. What makes me angry though is all the rubbish people leave in the woods, it seems some people just drop their rubbish everywhere they can. This harms all our furry friends in the woods.....but Scout and I (and our camping friends) made sure we picked up all the rubbish we saw and put it in a bin. I hope you all do the same when outdoors.
Scout and I also made loads of new friends at camp, not just with the campers but also with the furry creatures in the woods. We are looking forward to our next camp. As Scott from InsaneScouter has written a whole series about the camp kitchen, we asked him to take us out to demonstrate (and of course cook us a salmon), when this happens we will let you know.
Your cuddly friends,
Fuzzy and Scout