Our Blue & Gold coordinator made a little twist on February's theme of "American ABC's" to "Scouting Coast to Coast." In preparation for the banquet, each Den was assigned 5 to 6 states to learn about and inspire their den's table decorations.
As a den leader I decided to test the social networking waters for the boys in my den and reach out to total strangers via Twitter and ask for postcards to include in our table decorations. My ambitious goal was a postcard from all 50 states in about 3 weeks time. I did not meet that goal, but what an out-pouring of kindness and comments we did receive.
Of course, those in scouting replied promptly and sent our den cards. I treasure, and one day our boys who are now 9, will appreciate the cards that had personal messages about the value of sticking with scouting. One mom even went out of her way and made several stops before finding postcards at a Civil War Battlefield gift shop. What is really inspiring about her story is that she was a cub scout mom on the sidelines afraid to jump in and get her son immersed in scouting. Now, with a little random postcard encouragement, she and her son are making the plunge as cub scouts.
Support your scouts, support your scout leaders and encourage your scout parents You never know what seemingly small action will trigger more involvement in scouting.
Tamera H. Bennett
Den Leader, Pack 62
Tonkawa District, Longhorn Council, Texas