Pick Up That Trash

(Tune: Home on the Range)

On give me a street
That looks very neat,
Where no paper and trash fly about.
For when I do see
All that mess and debris,
It makes me just want to shout out...

Pick, pick up that trash.
Don’t you care how our streets appear?
Oh, can’t you be good
And do as you should
To keep our neighborhood clean?

So during the day
At work or at play,
We should all do our duty so well,
And when on the ground
Someone throws their trash down,
Do your part and clean up where you dwell.


Let’s all of us vow
Right here and right now
That we’ll keep it clean every day.
And when we should find
The litterbug kind,
We’ll look at him and we’ll say...


References / Source:
Pow wow 2001

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