Song - I've Got That Scouting Spirit

I've got that Scouting spirit up in my head, up in my head, up in my head.
I've got that Scouting spirit up in my head, up in my head to stay.
2. I've got that Scouting spirit deep in my heart…
3. I've got that Scouting spirit down in my feet…
4. I've got that Scouting spirit all over me…


Cub Scout Yell  

Do Your Best! Be Prepared! Shout! Shout! Shout!
Wolf Cub! Bear Cub! Webelos Scout!



If I Weren't a Cub Scout ...

[Tune: This is the Music Concert]
If I were not a Cub Scout, I wonder what I'd be
If I were not a Cub Scout, a ......
A plumber I would be - Plunge it, flush it, look out below!
A carpenter I'd be - Two by four, nail it to the floor!
A teacher I would be - Sit down, shut up, throw away your gum!
A hippie I would be - Love and peace, Hey Man! Cool Man! Far out! Wow!
A laundry worker I’d be - Starchy here, starchy there, starchy in your underwear!
A cashier I would be – Twenty-nine, forty-nine, here is your change, sir!
A doctor I would be - Take a pill; pay my bill! I'm going golfing!
A fireman I would be - Jump lady, jump... whoa splat!
A cook I would be - Mix it, bake it; heartburn-BURP!
A lifeguard I would be - Save yourself, man. I'm working on my tan!
A Cubmaster I would be - Do this, do that, I'm gonna take a nap.



Divide into two groups.
Group One: "I like Cub Scouts; yes, I do! I like Cub
Scouts; how about you?" Points to Group Two.
Group Two: Responds in same manner.
Continue taking turns for a couple of rounds.


The first person calls from out of
sight: "Hey Fred, look! I'm in the
top of a 100 foot tall tree."
The second person: “But Joe, we
don't have any 100 foot tall trees
in camp.”
First person: "Oh noooo....",
screams as he is falling.


References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders