

Other Ideas


The Fitness Activity Badge or Pin is required for the Webelos Badge. It is important to start it early. Provision # 2 is the six exercises. The scouts have to show improvement after 30 days. So pick the six exercises, and get the clock ticking on the 30 days.

Some of these ideas suggest that you bring in outside speakers to talk on subjects that are controversial. Please talk with the parents of your boys before you plan this program. The fitness of the boy, in terms of drug and alcohol abuse, is the responsibility of the parents first. Let them know what you are doing!


Learn about nutrition and cook a nutritious meal for the Den or families.

Invite a team trainer, doctor or coach visit the Den to tell about proper training; the use of steroids, drugs, alcohol and smoking on the body.

Have the boys meet with a person who is a recovering alcoholic or drug user. They are more impressed with this, than your telling them it is bad for them. Make sure the person is referred by a reputable person or group. (Make sure the boys have their parents' permission.)

Help the boys research highway death statistics and what percentage are due to alcohol or drugs.

Have a Webelos Olympics. Challenge a Webelos Den from your Pack or another to a contest. Have the same events as a field day. Webelos are rewarded based on their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd finish; but also have team scores.


Did you know that you can't actually hear a heartbeat? The heartbeat itself is just a contraction of muscle and is perfectly quiet. What you can hear is the sound of heart valves snapping shut.

Here's how to test your heartbeat:
  1. Press the first two fingers of one hand over the radial artery in the wrist of your other hand. That's the artery in the depression just below the base of your wrist. Move your fingers until you can feel the pulse of your blood.
  2. Use a watch with a second hand, and count the number of beats in 15 seconds.
  3. Multiply by 4. Now you know the number of beats per minute.
  4. Run or exercise for 10 minutes or so. Take your pulse again, and see how much faster your heart is pumping.


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