Citizen & Craftsman
Neckerchief Slides

Capture the image(s) below by right clicking your mouse on the image, choose save to your hard drive.

American Flag Slide

Needed:     Very thin wood or plywood
Paints or markers
Ring for back - 1/2" PVC pipe cut in one half inch length

1.     Cut a flag pattern from cardboard, trace on piece of wood first. Cut this out and use for pattern for remaining slides. Use the flag on the left for a pattern. For more difficulty, try a flag picture with the wind action rippling the flag
2. Trace pattern and let the boys cut from wood. Use a small copping saw and plenty of supervision.
3. Paint or use markers to place stripes and other portions of the flag. Have different full-color flag pictures for the boys to look at while painting.
4. Attach the PVC ring to rear of wood slide with glue from a hot glue gun.

Liberty Bell Slide

Needed:     Thin wood
Copper colored paint
Ring for back - 1/2" PVC pipe cut in one half inch length

l.     Trace this liberty bell pattern onto cardboard, cut out and use to make shapes on wood.
2. Have boys cut wood.
3. Sand and paint with the copper colored paint.
4. Make the simulated crack with a felt-tipped-black marker.
5. Attach ring to rear of slide.

Links to
Woggle World, the Neckslide Nook    ~    J. Lance Wilkinson's Neckerchief Slides Page