
Why do we have a Government

Things the United States Government does to help us:

Provides a common defense
Provides old age social security
Provides laws to govern Provides a national currency
Provides protection against unlawful aliens and unlawful things entering the country
Provides an election process to elect national leadership

Things State and Local Government do to help us:

Provide public schools
Provide public health clinics
Provide a zoning and planning system
Provide public roads
Provide a judicial system
Provide an election process to elect state and local leadership

Things that you do for your Govemment:

Pay taxes
Sit on juries
Serve in public office

The reason we have Government:

To provide an orderly system of living together
Where we do not infringe upon each other's rights

Ways that your Family helps pay for Government:

Sales tax
Property tax
Income tax
License fees
Gasoline tax


As a project, your den might like to check out the following list to see which of the things can be found in their community, who operates them and how they are paid for:

Health - hospitals, clinics, doctors, dentists, ambulance service, water filtration plant, sewage disposal, garbage collection.

Protection - storm sewers, fire and police protection.

Education - public schools, high schools, colleges, night schools, vocational schools, libraries.

Recreation - theaters, pools, parks, playgrounds, golf courses, lakes.

Transportation - roads, highways, bus terminals, train stations, airport, parking lots, garages, service stations, car lots.

Stores - shopping centers, superior, corner stores, appliance stores, markets.

Business - what major companies are there in your community?

Industrial - what items are manufactured?

Agriculture - what products are produced locally?

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