
Each Webelos scout should know the Pledge of Allegiance, repeat it from memory, and be able to explain it meaning to himself. Whenever a boy is selected Denner, let him lead the den in the pledge at the next den meeting. This will also be a good time for him to explain what the pledge means to him.

Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1951) wrote the Pledge of Allegiance for the observance of the 400th Anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. He was assistant editor for "Youth's Companion" a juvenile periodical. His job was to promote patriotism and the flying of the flag over public schools. He encouraged President Benjamin Harrison to endorse the idea and on June 21, 1892, President Harrison signed a proclamation to let the National flag fly over every school and the teaching of patriotism in all schools.

Bellamy wrote the now famous words of the Pledge of Allegiance. They were first printed in "Youth's Companion" on September 8, 1892. Several revisions were made over the years, adding the words "of America and "under God", so that it now reads:

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I pledge allegiance to the flag,

Of the United States of America,

And to the Republic for which it stands,

One nation under God, indivisible,

With liberty and justice for all.

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For a different way to do the Pledge of Allegiance try:

Red Skelton's interpretation of the Pledge.

The Lunar Pledge of Allegiance

These two pledges make great flag ceremonies.

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