
Volunteer Agencies

Voluntary Agencies - What are they? What do they do in your community?

Organizations and Clubs - service? fraternal? hobby?

Religious - churches, synagogues, temples, halls, seminaries. Many, All of these groups do a good turn (helping) for members of their faith and in the the community in general

In most towns and cities, there are volunteer agencies. These are organizations where much if not all, of the work is done by people who receive no pay for their efforts. The Boy Scouts of America is one such agency. How is the Boy Scouts Funded? Scout dues? Donations? Fees? Sales of BSA products and uniforms? Have someone from your District (pack or near by troop may be able to handle this) come talk to your patrol/pack about this. What is the Friends of Scouting drive. What do they do? Why?

Some volunteer agencies hire professional people who work with the volunteers. Funds for these agencies are usually raised in the community, through drives such as the Community Chest or United Fund. The fund-raising drive is usually held once a year.

Without the support of people in the local community, both in service and money, these volunteer agencies could not exist. The many services that they provide, such as health, research, education, recreations, etc. would not be available. These people who give their time and money to help others are truly concerned about their neighbors and are good citizens doing good turns.

Organizations in our area that help people;

United Way
Neighborhood Watch
The Woodlands Green
Boy Scouts of America
Girl Scouts of America
Interfaith Religious Community of the Woodlands Salvation Army
Chamber of Commerce
Red Cross
Lions Club
Rotary Club
Volunteer Fire Department & Emergency Medical Services

Pick an agency/group from above. How are this groups funded? What does the group do (Mission) for the Community it serves? Envite a member to come to you meeting and discuss their group. Is it possible for your Webelos Scouts to help them out with a good turn?

Any groups been left out?

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