
Your Rights as a Citizen

Every American citizen enjoys certain rights set forth in the Constitution and protected by law. These individual liberties distinguish our free society from the totalitarian systems. Your rights under law include:

The right to equal protection of laws and equal justice in the courts.
The right to be free from arbitrary search or arrest.
The right to equal education and economic opportunity.
The right to choose public officers in free elections.
The right to own property.
The right of free speech, press and assembly.
The right to attend the church of your choice.
The right to have legal counsel of your choice and a prompt trial if accused of crime.

Your Duties as a Citizen

With your rights as a citizen go individual responsibilities. Every American shares them. Your duties as a citizen include:

The duty to obey the laws.
The duty to respect the rights of others.
The duty to inform yourself on issues of government and community welfare.
The duty to serve on juries if called.
The duty to vote in elections.
The duty to serve and defend your country.
The duty to assist agencies of law enforcement.
The duty to practice and teach the principles of good citizenship in your own home.

Newspaper Study

Explain:   The rights and duties of a citizen of the United States and what a citizen should do to conserve our resources.

Equipment:   One current daily newspaper per team

Object:   Team finding the most clippings related to the Citizenship rights, duties and conservation of natural resources wins.

Method:   Teams ready, each with the same day's issue of a newspaper if possible. On signal, each teams starts a search for news items that definitely illustrate duties, rights or resources. Items are cut out and numbered in sequence.

Winner:   The team with the most clippings in a given amount of time wins!!

Things like:

Jury trial

Expressing a personal opinion

Information on a local school

Advertisements for things that anyone can buy

Upcoming election

Worship services for a religious holiday

Tax increases being explained or protested

Protecting our natural resources and how some groups are abusing the resources.

Take the time to let the boys discuss what they find in the newspaper
Why these clippings examples of the rights and duties of being a citizen and the protection of natural resources.

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