Citizen & Artist
Making of a Paper Scroll
Feather Quill Pen

Citizenship scroll:

Once the boys have reviewed Citizenship, show that they are citizens. Each boy can create his own scroll made of parchment paper. Fill a large bowl with hot water, and place two tea bags in the water. Gently wad up a piece of white paper and drop it into the bowl. Push the paper under water with a spoon. When the water cools, remove the paper carefully so that it doesn't tear. Lay it flat on several paper towels to let it dry. When the paper is dry, tear off the edges for a handmade look. Draw fancy designs around the edge of the paper (combine with artist requirements.) The boys can then write a citizen ship pledge and sign each others' scrolls.

Feather Quill Pen
Try using a pen made out of a turkey (wing or tail) feather. Cut the shaft of the feather near the tip, at a curving slant as shown below. Then cut a slit from the pinted tip down the feather as show to the right. Dip your pen into india ink and practice writing. The quill will have to be cut periodically as it wears down. The knife used to cut these feathers was called a pen knife. The present day design of the pen knife mirrors the design used years ago. The original feathers used in writing came from geese wing feathers.

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