Naturalist Activity Badge

Rare Bird Facts
By Barb Stephens

Fill in the correct answer(s).

  1. What is the fastest flying bird? _____________________________________

  2. How high can birds fly? __________________________________________

  3. What is the Nebraska State Bird? __________________________________

  4. What bird has become extinct in the last 75 years? ______________________

  5. Why do all birds build nests? ______________________________________

  6. Name two "major league" birds. ____________________________________

  7. Which birds can fly backwards? ____________________________________

  8. What bird is known for its famous deliveries? __________________________

  9. What is the largest bird in North America? ____________________________

  10. What is the smallest bird in the world? _______________________________

  11. List three birds that cannot fly. ____________________________________

  12. What color is a bluebird? _________________________________________
