Handyman Activity Badge

Handy at Home
By Barb Stephens

Place a check in front of each of the following that is covered in the Handyman activity.
_____ Wash a car

_____ Change a tire

_____ Do the laundry

_____ Replace a lamp's lightbulb

_____ Make a sawhorse

_____ Make cookies

_____ Plant a garden

_____ Tighten a bike chain

_____ Rake grass clippings

_____ Check oil level

_____ Cook a meal

_____ Lubricate a bike

_____ Make your bed

_____ Do the dishes
_____ Clean up your toys

_____ Adjust your bike's saddle

_____ Help mow the lawn

_____ Store cleaning supplies safely

_____ Play with your sister or brother

_____ Pick apples

_____ Inflate bike tires properly

_____ Check tire pressure

_____ Adjust bike handlebars

_____ Do your homework

_____ Organize tools safely & neatly

_____ Replace a rear car lightbulb

_____ Empty wastebaskets

_____ Hang pictures

Data supplied by Pack 114