Forester Activity Badge

Junior Forest Ranger Quiz
By Barb Stephens

Circle the best answer for each question.

1. Campfire permits are required for:
a. indoor fireplaces
b. outdoor areas, depending on local laws
c. lighting Halloween pumpkins

2. If a fire gets out of hand, you should:
a. get your parents, run to your car and drive away
b. report it immediately to a forest ranger
c. get other Junior Forest Rangers to fight the fire

3. The best place to ask where forest campfires can be built is:
a. sheriff's office
b. sporting goods store
c. ranger or fire warden stations

4. When staying overnight in a forest, before going to bed, you should:
a. place heavy logs on the fire
b. put out your campfire
c. arrange to get up every 2 hours to check the fire

5. When you see a bear in the forest, park or zoo, you should:
a. pull his fur
b. chase him with a stick
c. stay away from him

6. To cook properly over a campfire, you should:
a. cook over the flames of a large fire
b. build a small fire and cook over the embers
c. burn a lot of paper to make the fire hot

7. The best way to put out a campfire is:
a. spread out the embers and cool with dirt or water
b. cover it with rocks
c. let it alone to burn out by itself

8. The best spot for a campfire is:
a. inside a rotten log or stump
b. under a green tree
c. in a cleared open space away from trees

9. For camping or burning trash, the following is the most important and practical tool to carry in a car:
a. shovel
b. bucket of water
c. wet blanket

10. If your clothes happen to catch fire, you should:
a. keep calm, do not run, roll a blanket around you to smother the flames
b. run for help
c. jump up and down real fast
11. Camp matches should be:
a. kept in a metal container
b. stored near outboard motor fuel
c. placed in the hot sun

12. The safest way to start a campfire is with:
a. a pile of dry leaves
b. gasoline
c. small pieces of kindling wood

13. The safest way for adults to light cigarettes is to:
a. use a cigarette lighter
b. strike a match on a nearby rock
c. use paper book matches and throw into the grass when finished

14. A person who is careless and starts a forest fire:
a. is made honorary fire chief
b. receives a fire prevention award
c. can be fined and sent to jail

15. Well-managed forests give us:
a. Smokey Bear
b. wood, water, wildlife, grass and outdoor fun
c. just lumber, paper and walnuts

16. A match or a cigarette thrown from a car window:
a. is permissible if no one is looking
b. is permissible if it looks like it's gone out
c. is never safe

17. A windy day is a good time:
a. to burn trash
b. to start a campfire
c. not to start a campfire

18. A trash-burning incinerator should be:
a. equipped with a good spark arrester
b. placed under a tree for shade
c. used only on windy days

19. Before lighting an open fire:
a. people should vacate the neighborhood
b. local fire laws should be checked and obeyed
c. drink three glasses of water

20. Junior Forest Rangers:
a. put out forest fires
b. start forest fires
c. help prevent forest fires


Data supplied by Pack 114