Engineer Activity Badge

Catapult Plans
By Barb Stephens

Basketball Catapult

  1. Base, backboard and hoop are made from a 1"x4" board.
  2. Drill holes in base and backboard 3/8" diameter and 1/2" deep.
  3. Cut a slot at a 15 degree angle in a cube block large enough for the handle of a plastic spoon.
  4. Cut hole for the hoop first; then finish cutting the hoop piece.
    (We used a slice of 2" diameter PVC pipe and screwed it into backboard.)
  5. Glue the hoop to the backboard; then glue dowel rod into backboard and base.
  6. Glue cube block to base and insert spoon into slot.
  7. Cut string and attach one end to dowel rod at base and the other end to any 1" sized ball (ping pong balls work well).
Data supplied by Pack 114