Boy Scout Information Review #2

Arrow of Light Activity

by Barb Stephens

Boy Scout Law
Number these in order. (hint: The first letters are T L H F C K O C T B C R)

A Scout is

____ Courteous ____ Helpful ____ Loyal
____ Kind ____ Friendly ____ Trustworthy
____ Clean ____ Cheerful ____ Brave
____ Reverent ____ Obedient ____ Thrifty

Boy Scout Stuff
Match the item on the left to the information on the right.
Scout Motto Be Prepared.
Scout Handclasp They are 1) duty to God & country, 2) duty to other people, and 3) duty to self.
Scout Slogan Place right hand in Scout salute, raise it sharply to just above your right eye, palm sideways.
Scout Sign Do a Good Turn Daily.
Scout Salute Three upraised fingers with the thumb clasping the little finger. Use when saying the Scout Oath or Scout Law.
Major Points of Scout Oath/Promise Use your left hand and don't interlock fingers.

Boy Scout Promise
Number these in the correct order. (hint: God, Others, Self)

_____ On my honor I will do my best

_____ To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight

_____ To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law

_____ To help other people at all times

Data supplied by Pack 114